Bliss Cleaning Services

Bliss Cleaning Services

Bliss Cleaning Services

Bliss Cleaning Services

Bliss Cleaning Services

Bliss Cleaning Services

Bliss Cleaning Services

Bliss Cleaning Services

Bliss Cleaning Services

Bliss Cleaning Services

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Bliss Cleaning Services

Salt Lake City, UT

Commercial Janitorial Service

project stats

August 2022
Built with
10 Days

Bliss Cleaning Services provides commercial cleaning services to customers all around the Salt Lake Valley, Utah area with a 5 star rating. Janitorial services, carpet cleaning, turnover cleaning, and deep cleaning are some of their most popular services.

This website uses shades of a light, calming, clean blue to emphasize the impeccable cleanliness of the business. White squares accent the design across photos, sections, buttons, and other elements. Interactions are simple and clean to match the design, and an interactive service area map shows viewers the services available across the state of Utah. Before and after sliders display the quality customers can expect from the business.

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Responsive Design

In the fourth quarter of 2021, 54.4% of global website traffic came from mobile users. With more than half of users viewing websites on their phones or tablets, responsive design is very important. Every element needs to look and work beautifully on any device.

View these websites on any device or with any browser for adaptive design and interactions!